Node JS is a platform developed on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime. More over many of the companies give importance to Node Js application development service as it is the peak technology that is fast and reliable. To be mentioned Java script is used to develop Node JS server side and networking application. Node Js contains inbuilt library of JavaScript modules to streamline Node.js web application development process. Just a while ago Internet-of-Things IDE has made known that Node.js project type to run IOT devices and this automatically showcases Node.JS as a progressively maturing technology. Their core support community often comes up with new updates on web and mobile applications using Node JS.
As this Node JS technology is open source this can be used for free and customised according to their requirements to fulfil their needs.
It is a scalable frame work technology that helps to support application development on cloud solution to the wide range.
The noticeable feature of this technology is easy to code light weight programming language that occupies less storage.
The main thing is Node.js supports both server and browser platforms, which many of the technologies lack to and struggle with.
Comparing to other technologies Node.js’s execution and processing time are much lesser as it is built on Google Chrome’s V8 JS Engine.
As Node.js is open source platform and simple to customise, once written the same can be used in multiple applications.